Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Historic Preservation

Photo: 19th century store front in Cold Spring, N.Y.

Miscellaneous items related to preservation:
Probably the best way to preserve buildings and barns in any region is to support the efforts of private owners who use and lovingly maintain their historic homes and properties. But in some cases the citizens of a town want to protect landscapes, stone walls or a historic road or stream that crosses several properties. There are several options for the community to organize and collaborate on preservation in those cases. One option offered by the State Historic Preservation Office encourages local governments to sign on to a "Certified Local Government Program" which makes them available for grants and support from the State. See a further description at the link below:

List of Buildings and Districts on the National Register of Historic Places:

Funding Sources for Preservation Projects in New York State:

Model Historic Preservation Ordinance/Local Law:

The government of Loudoun County, Virgina has used grant monies to make their efforts at preservation more transparent. Their website is interesting to explore:

A blog by a leading expert in tourism planning lists qualities of a "Great Street." We tend to have ROADS (in Putnam County) more than STREETS but this is interesting anyway:

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