Saturday, September 19, 2009

Book Club at The Reed Memorial Library in Carmel

From Jeanne Buck, Library Director:
Historic Preservation – It’s in
Everyone’s Backyard.

An old winding road…
rambling stone walls…the barn that’s been there 100 years…that last undisturbed vista that catches your eye and takes your breath away every time you pass it…

How do you preserve it? What can
you do about it? Should it be preserved? Why? What is the first step? How do you begin?

The Putnam County Libraries Association in cooperation with the Putnam County Historian’s Office can help you find answers to these and many more questions.

Beginning this fall and extending into next year, groups will be meeting in each library in the county to discuss the highly readable and up-to-date overview of the subject Historic Preservation: An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practices by Ligibel, Tyler, and Tyler.

The first discussion group will be meeting at the Reed Memorial Library in Carmel in October. Call the Library (845-225-2439) by September 24 to reserve and pick up your copy of Historic Preservation. Read the book then join a facilitated discussion led by Carmel Town Historian, Brian Vangor (with other local civic leaders in attendance), to be held at the Library on Thursday October 29 at 7 pm.

Read…learn…question…discuss…learn some more…

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