Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vision Statement

Local historians have different jobs--but a common vision. The initial draft of this vision for Putnam County (below) is based on a discussion at the last Historians' Roundtable meeting (June 30, 2009). Do you have suggestions for refining the statement below?

Our vision for the future of Putnam County is that our communities will be places where the physical environment, the libraries, museums, and public life are all invigorated by a wealth of history.
The physical surroundings—landscapes and structures—will retain the best qualities of each town’s past history. This includes spaces and structures that will have been preserved for future generations to utilize and learn from (whether the lesson be in architectural principles or societal ideals or environmental sustainability). All new construction under this scenario will either convey the same historic sensibility or at least will not undermine it.
Libraries will hold a variety of well-researched accounts on various topics and eras in local history. These stories, along with the stories of national significance, will, among other things, give meaning to the ceremonies, landscapes and streetscapes of our communities. Museums will be an integral part of the cultural life of the community. Digital formats and the internet will be fully utilized in the research and promotion of our county's history.
Community life will be infused with a historic sensibility; students will learn to judge the accuracy of local histories. Celebrations of national importance, like Memorial Day and Independence Day, will include memories of people from our towns who have dedicated themselves to the development and defense of this nation. Overall, events/projects will trace the past from pre-Columbian times to recent history.
(P.Houser with additions by B. Vangor and R. Taylor)

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